
This page includes: (1) reports generated by the Faculty Policy Committee and any subcommittees it charges; (2) reports by groups charged by the Chair of the Faculty (perhaps in collaboration with others); (3) some key reports from Standing Committees of the Faculty – these reports and related links are also found on the web pages of these committees; and (4) reports from Institute-wide initiatives or task forces on topics that are of direct relevance to faculty members – such as community, diversity, education, student life, and more. Please contact us if there is an additional report that you would like to see included here.

December 2009
Institute-wide Planning Task Force
Eric Grimson, Daniel Hastings

This is the final report of MIT's Institute-wide Planning Task Force, which was charged with identifying opportunities for efficiency and cost reduction that do not sacrifice MIT's core mission. It represents a concerted, inclusive, sustained effort to strengthen MIT by improving operations; preserve MIT's financial stability; and enhance its global leadership in research and education.